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200 Violet Street Suite 140, Golden, CO, Colorado

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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow!

Adams County Quilters

Day Group meets the 4th Wednesday monthly 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

at Riverdale Regional Park (aka Adams County Fairgrounds) at the Admin Bldg.

Nite Group meets the 2nd Thursday monthly 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

at Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 10675 Washington, Northglenn



Arapahoe County Quilters

Meets the 2nd Thursday monthly. Business meeting at 6:50 p.m.
First Plymouth Congregational Church, 3501 S Colorado Blvd, Englewood.

Guest fee–$8.



Basket Case Quilt Guild

Meetings are the third Saturdays of the month at 10am. All are welcome!

The Center for Spiritual Life, 658 Howard St., Delta CO.

Contact: Teresa Masek 864-844-3693



Black Canyon Quilt Show

The show features a Boutique with handmade needlework items, proceeds from which benefit a different local charity each year. A variety of vendors provide goods not otherwise readily available in our area. Classes and lectures at various times throughout the year bring stimulating new ideas.  

PO Box 2053, Montrose, CO 81402

Contact: Karla Gilbert



Colorado Springs Quilt Guild

Meets the 2nd Thursday monthly at 6:30p.m. 

The Central Methodist Church, 4373 Galley Road, Co Springs. 80915

Contact: Alethea Schweitzer  719-465-7170



Columbine Quilt Guild

Meets the 2nd Monday monthly at 6:30 p.m.

Denver Church of Christ, 6925 Carr Street, Arvada

Guest–$5 fee

Contact: Diana Blender 303-280-4904,



Longmont Quilt Guild

Meets the 2nd Tuesday monthly from 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Faith Community Lutheran Church

9775 Ute Hwy 66, Longmont
Dues $30 Guest fee–$10
Diane Arnett:

Web site:


Olde Schoolhouse Quilters

Meets the 2nd Tuesday monthly at 9:00 a.m. (workshop) and 1:00 p.m. (business meeting)
Valley Bible

Fellowship Church, 116 Hermit Lane, Silver Cliff 
$15/year, visitors welcome for free
Deb Rimmer: 719-783-2199oldeschoolhousequilters@yahoo.comd


The Peaks‘n Pines Quilt Guild

Meets the 2nd Thursday monthly at 6:30 p.m.
St. John’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 4th and Garnet, Granby
President, Jenny Dems:



Piecing Partners Quilt Guild

Meets the 3rd Wednesday monthly at 9:30 a.m.
The Elks Lodge, 3400 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs 
Mary Haukom, CQC Rep, 



Pride City Quilt Guild

Meets the 3rd Monday monthly
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 10 University Cir, Pueblo
Judy Thomas: 719-561-0059


Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild

Meets the 3rd Thursday monthly at 12:00 p.m. 
Boulder Valley Christian Church, 7100

S Boulder Rd, Boulder
Dues $30/year, guest fee–$10 
Marsha Loewenberg: 720-420-0750



Quilters Above the Clouds

Meets the 4th Friday monthly from 1:00 p.m. –  4:00 p.m.
Mountain View United Methodist Church, 1101 Rampart Range Road, Woodland Park, CO 80863

Meetings feature programs, block of the month, show/tell, and door prizes. Members of QATC also meet monthly to work on donation quilts for the Teller County Child Advocacy Center.

$25/year, guest fee–$5



Silver Threads Quilt Guild

Meets the 3rd Tuesday monthly 
Alternates locations at the Church of Christ, South Fork and the Baptist Church, Creede 
Meetings include block of the month, show/tell, and quilt-related program
Doris Rector:


Sunset Slope Quilters

Meets the 2nd Wednesday monthly at 9:00 a.m. 
American Lutheran Church, 631-26½ Rd, Grand Junction 
Meetings include show/tell, block of the month, and quilt-related programs 
Guest fee: $3

Janet Wheeler:




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